Natural Support for Seasonal Allergies
It’s that time of the year. Watery eyes, runny nose, and sneeze attacks. Why do you feel like you’re sick, when you’ve done everything right? Seasonal Allergies Even at the best of times, seasonal allergy
It’s that time of the year. Watery eyes, runny nose, and sneeze attacks. Why do you feel like you’re sick, when you’ve done everything right? Seasonal Allergies Even at the best of times, seasonal allergy
Do you suffer from bad breath? Tic Tacs, mints and chewing gum… can’t fix a true breath problem. While bad breath (also known as halitosis) isn’t often a symptom of disease per se, it can
Recent years have seen a growing awareness of mental health issues, and, thankfully, more open conversations about addressing psychological challenges. However, many people remain unaware of new, exciting research on the connection between gut health
What You Need to Know About Proper Hydration A Holistic Perspective On Water And Hydration Water is the life source of all living things. Our earth is made up of 71% water – just a
Support Your Hormones For A More Peaceful Period The week before your period, it’s not unusual for many women to experience an unwanted transformation from Doctor Jekyll to Ms. Hyde. As our hormones shift, some
Are you excited for fall? Many people love the vibrant colors of this beautiful season. It’s a time to get out our cozy sweaters, enjoy the crisp fall air, and for some people, sneeze a lot. Yes, unfortunately, many people experience watery eyes, sinus pain and other allergy symptoms when fall arrives. This annoying phenomenon can occur even if you made it through spring without sneezing.
Which Is More Important: Diet or Exercise? Eat less, exercise more. You’ve probably heard that’s the secret to weight loss. So, it makes sense that if you want to lose weight quickly, or if you’ve
Are you feeling burnt out and overwhelmed? You’re not alone. Let’s face it: We’re all busy, dealing with endless to-do lists and struggling to balance it all. The result is often a day-to-day life that feels too hectic. We feel pulled away from the things that matter – and we may have even forgotten what those things are.
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) can impact many aspects of a woman’s health, from her moods, her weight, to her chances of conception. This surprisingly common condition can be difficult to diagnose and treat. That’s partly because conventional medicine practices are often geared towards tackling the symptoms without truly getting to the underlying reasons. Functional Medicine treatments for PCOS address this frustrating condition from all angles, addressing the whole system with a special focus on the root cause.
Luscious locks. Flowing tresses. Who doesn’t want to have a full head of shiny hair? Our culture certainly gives us the message that beautiful hair symbolizes youth and beauty.
Have you ever felt slightly panicked when you’re separated from your phone? Do you know how many hours a day you spend on your digital devices? Do you feel your online activities have a positive effect on your overall well being?
If you are someone who experiences one of the two most common forms of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, you will know that the pain and disruption caused by these disorders can wreak havoc on your life, affecting relationships, employment and more.
Male Health: 4 Common Concerns and How to Treat Them Naturally Not so shockingly, Men are less likely than women to visit a healthcare provider when they’re sick. And often they wait until a medical
Do you have big plans for January? Many of our patients say they’d like to take control of their health in 2020. That often includes losing some extra pounds.
Don’t Let Holiday Stress Affect Your Health December brings festive parties, fun times with family, favorite traditions… and stress. How much stress? According to a Healthline survey, the combination of joy and pressure that makes
We all have momentary memory lapses. If you’ve ever searched for your lost car in a parking lot, or stumbled for a name mid-conversation, you know that feeling of having an important fact right at the edge of your mind … somewhere. Of course, as we grow older, those temporary memory blips become more troublesome because we tend to wonder if we’re experiencing normal memory problems or bigger issues.
Top 10 Tips For a Happier, Healthier 2020 This year will be different. This year you will turn things around and realize your goals towards happiness and health. You’ve got this! How do I know?
Here’s a challenge: Can you read this article from beginning to end without being distracted? And how will any distractions affect your ultimate understanding of the subject? The answers might surprise you.
Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis: Treating This Autoimmune Disorder With Lifestyle Changes A diagnosis of Hypothyroidism, or underactive thyroid, means that your thyroid gland is not producing high enough hormone levels to carry out its many roles in
Fatty Liver: Natural Tips to Restore Liver Health You might think that a sluggish liver is something that only heavy drinkers or fans of fried food have to worry about. However, conditions like fatty liver
Nutritional Deficiencies – Are You At Risk? Some of the most common nutritional deficiencies include folate which comes from leafy green vegetables, vitamins A and D which come from oily fish, orange fruits and vegetables
How To Support Your Immune System And Navigate COVID-19 With many of our clients glued to the news of the spread of the novel coronavirus, we want to address the questions we’re receiving daily. Preventing
Tense muscles. Obsessing about the news. Anxiety about the future. Difficulty sleeping. Do all of these sound familiar? You’re definitely not alone. There’s no doubt that we are living with a lot of uncertainty right now.
If you’re like most people, you’ve read a lot of tips on avoiding COVID-19. You likely know the basics: Wash your hands; keep a safe distance from others; avoid travel and quarantine yourself if you have traveled; and don’t go out at all if you experience any symptoms.
Strengthen Your Lungs to Improve Your Respiratory Health It’s hard not to think about our lungs and how we can keep them healthy amidst all the uncertainty of this pandemic. Seeing our economies shut down
Let’s start with the good news: If you’re self-isolating, you should have more time to devote to creating a healthy diet for yourself. At least, that’s the fantasy that many of us started out with a few weeks ago. However, terms like the “quarantine 15” and “isolation constipation” are starting to appear on social media.
Migraines are more than really bad headaches. In addition to throbbing head pain, migraine symptoms include sensitivity to light and sound, nausea, vomiting, vertigo, dizziness and sudden mood changes. They can cause agonizing pain that leaves you huddled in a dark room with a cold cloth on your forehead for hours or even days.
Migraines are more than really bad headaches. In addition to throbbing head pain, migraine symptoms include sensitivity to light and sound, nausea, vomiting, vertigo, dizziness and sudden mood changes.
Rosacea is a chronic skin inflammation that can make you run for cover at a time when spending time outside with friends is all you want to do. Even indoors, it’s hard to ignore your red, bumpy face when you’re staring at your own reflection on every video call!
What does someone with heart disease look like? A stressed out CEO? A smoker over 50? Whatever image came to your mind, chances are it was of a male. We think of heart disease as a male problem, but did you know that more women die of heart disease than men?
Losing Sleep Over Sleep Loss? Tossing and turning? Watching the hours crawl by? Even one night of poor sleep can make you an exhausted, irritable, sugar-craving beast the next day. We all have the odd
Is Sugar Disturbing Your Microbiome? Are your sugar cravings impossible to ignore? Is bloating, gas and foggy thinking part of your every day? If so, your “bad” bacteria may be calling the shots! The field
What You Need to Know About Dairy This year more than ever we must support our immune army. Let’s take a look at why our immune system is more vulnerable in fall, who is most
Did you drink milk with lunch as a child? For decades, milk was considered an essential part of a healthy diet. Depending on where you grew up, you may have been encouraged to drink a glass of milk with each meal. But milk has fallen out of favor with many health professionals in recent years.
Nutrition is a process by which our body’s obtain, store and use food for our health, growth, and development. Everyone can benefit from good nutrition, from early childhood to old age.
Your neck – also referred to as the cervical spine – is a delicate accumulation of vertebrae, nerves, and muscles that work to support your head. The neck is very flexible and capable of rotating from side to side, up and down.
Does Your Body Need Help to Detox? What does going on a ‘detox’ or ‘cleanse’ mean to you? Fasting? Following a boxed detox kit? Going on a lemon juice cleanse? Messaging from the growing detox
How to Manage Stress and Anxiety in Uncertain Times The pandemic has brought us six solid months of stress, anxiety, and fear of the unknown. This Fall things are ramping up again, with increased COVID
The warmer weather encourages everyone to get outside and enjoy the sun on their face but there is one creature who is waiting in the wings to greet us and our pets…the tick. Few pests inspire the level of paranoia and anxiety as ticks.
When these glands receive a signal from the hypothalamus, they react by releasing hormones. For example, if your brain perceives a threat, your hypothalamus tells your adrenal and pituitary glands to secrete the “stress hormones” adrenaline and cortisol.
It’s that time of the year. Watery eyes, runny nose, and sneeze attacks. Why do you feel like you’re sick, when you’ve done everything right? Seasonal Allergies Even at the best of times, seasonal allergy
Do you suffer from bad breath? Tic Tacs, mints and chewing gum… can’t fix a true breath problem. While bad breath (also known as halitosis) isn’t often a symptom of disease per se, it can
Recent years have seen a growing awareness of mental health issues, and, thankfully, more open conversations about addressing psychological challenges. However, many people remain unaware of new, exciting research on the connection between gut health
What You Need to Know About Proper Hydration A Holistic Perspective On Water And Hydration Water is the life source of all living things. Our earth is made up of 71% water – just a
Support Your Hormones For A More Peaceful Period The week before your period, it’s not unusual for many women to experience an unwanted transformation from Doctor Jekyll to Ms. Hyde. As our hormones shift, some
Are you excited for fall? Many people love the vibrant colors of this beautiful season. It’s a time to get out our cozy sweaters, enjoy the crisp fall air, and for some people, sneeze a lot. Yes, unfortunately, many people experience watery eyes, sinus pain and other allergy symptoms when fall arrives. This annoying phenomenon can occur even if you made it through spring without sneezing.
Which Is More Important: Diet or Exercise? Eat less, exercise more. You’ve probably heard that’s the secret to weight loss. So, it makes sense that if you want to lose weight quickly, or if you’ve
Are you feeling burnt out and overwhelmed? You’re not alone. Let’s face it: We’re all busy, dealing with endless to-do lists and struggling to balance it all. The result is often a day-to-day life that feels too hectic. We feel pulled away from the things that matter – and we may have even forgotten what those things are.
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) can impact many aspects of a woman’s health, from her moods, her weight, to her chances of conception. This surprisingly common condition can be difficult to diagnose and treat. That’s partly because conventional medicine practices are often geared towards tackling the symptoms without truly getting to the underlying reasons. Functional Medicine treatments for PCOS address this frustrating condition from all angles, addressing the whole system with a special focus on the root cause.
Luscious locks. Flowing tresses. Who doesn’t want to have a full head of shiny hair? Our culture certainly gives us the message that beautiful hair symbolizes youth and beauty.
Have you ever felt slightly panicked when you’re separated from your phone? Do you know how many hours a day you spend on your digital devices? Do you feel your online activities have a positive effect on your overall well being?
If you are someone who experiences one of the two most common forms of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, you will know that the pain and disruption caused by these disorders can wreak havoc on your life, affecting relationships, employment and more.
Male Health: 4 Common Concerns and How to Treat Them Naturally Not so shockingly, Men are less likely than women to visit a healthcare provider when they’re sick. And often they wait until a medical
Do you have big plans for January? Many of our patients say they’d like to take control of their health in 2020. That often includes losing some extra pounds.
Don’t Let Holiday Stress Affect Your Health December brings festive parties, fun times with family, favorite traditions… and stress. How much stress? According to a Healthline survey, the combination of joy and pressure that makes
We all have momentary memory lapses. If you’ve ever searched for your lost car in a parking lot, or stumbled for a name mid-conversation, you know that feeling of having an important fact right at the edge of your mind … somewhere. Of course, as we grow older, those temporary memory blips become more troublesome because we tend to wonder if we’re experiencing normal memory problems or bigger issues.
Top 10 Tips For a Happier, Healthier 2020 This year will be different. This year you will turn things around and realize your goals towards happiness and health. You’ve got this! How do I know?
Here’s a challenge: Can you read this article from beginning to end without being distracted? And how will any distractions affect your ultimate understanding of the subject? The answers might surprise you.
Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis: Treating This Autoimmune Disorder With Lifestyle Changes A diagnosis of Hypothyroidism, or underactive thyroid, means that your thyroid gland is not producing high enough hormone levels to carry out its many roles in
Fatty Liver: Natural Tips to Restore Liver Health You might think that a sluggish liver is something that only heavy drinkers or fans of fried food have to worry about. However, conditions like fatty liver
Nutritional Deficiencies – Are You At Risk? Some of the most common nutritional deficiencies include folate which comes from leafy green vegetables, vitamins A and D which come from oily fish, orange fruits and vegetables
How To Support Your Immune System And Navigate COVID-19 With many of our clients glued to the news of the spread of the novel coronavirus, we want to address the questions we’re receiving daily. Preventing
Tense muscles. Obsessing about the news. Anxiety about the future. Difficulty sleeping. Do all of these sound familiar? You’re definitely not alone. There’s no doubt that we are living with a lot of uncertainty right now.
If you’re like most people, you’ve read a lot of tips on avoiding COVID-19. You likely know the basics: Wash your hands; keep a safe distance from others; avoid travel and quarantine yourself if you have traveled; and don’t go out at all if you experience any symptoms.
Strengthen Your Lungs to Improve Your Respiratory Health It’s hard not to think about our lungs and how we can keep them healthy amidst all the uncertainty of this pandemic. Seeing our economies shut down
Let’s start with the good news: If you’re self-isolating, you should have more time to devote to creating a healthy diet for yourself. At least, that’s the fantasy that many of us started out with a few weeks ago. However, terms like the “quarantine 15” and “isolation constipation” are starting to appear on social media.
Migraines are more than really bad headaches. In addition to throbbing head pain, migraine symptoms include sensitivity to light and sound, nausea, vomiting, vertigo, dizziness and sudden mood changes. They can cause agonizing pain that leaves you huddled in a dark room with a cold cloth on your forehead for hours or even days.
Migraines are more than really bad headaches. In addition to throbbing head pain, migraine symptoms include sensitivity to light and sound, nausea, vomiting, vertigo, dizziness and sudden mood changes.
Rosacea is a chronic skin inflammation that can make you run for cover at a time when spending time outside with friends is all you want to do. Even indoors, it’s hard to ignore your red, bumpy face when you’re staring at your own reflection on every video call!
What does someone with heart disease look like? A stressed out CEO? A smoker over 50? Whatever image came to your mind, chances are it was of a male. We think of heart disease as a male problem, but did you know that more women die of heart disease than men?
Losing Sleep Over Sleep Loss? Tossing and turning? Watching the hours crawl by? Even one night of poor sleep can make you an exhausted, irritable, sugar-craving beast the next day. We all have the odd
Is Sugar Disturbing Your Microbiome? Are your sugar cravings impossible to ignore? Is bloating, gas and foggy thinking part of your every day? If so, your “bad” bacteria may be calling the shots! The field
What You Need to Know About Dairy This year more than ever we must support our immune army. Let’s take a look at why our immune system is more vulnerable in fall, who is most
Did you drink milk with lunch as a child? For decades, milk was considered an essential part of a healthy diet. Depending on where you grew up, you may have been encouraged to drink a glass of milk with each meal. But milk has fallen out of favor with many health professionals in recent years.
Nutrition is a process by which our body’s obtain, store and use food for our health, growth, and development. Everyone can benefit from good nutrition, from early childhood to old age.
Your neck – also referred to as the cervical spine – is a delicate accumulation of vertebrae, nerves, and muscles that work to support your head. The neck is very flexible and capable of rotating from side to side, up and down.
Does Your Body Need Help to Detox? What does going on a ‘detox’ or ‘cleanse’ mean to you? Fasting? Following a boxed detox kit? Going on a lemon juice cleanse? Messaging from the growing detox
How to Manage Stress and Anxiety in Uncertain Times The pandemic has brought us six solid months of stress, anxiety, and fear of the unknown. This Fall things are ramping up again, with increased COVID
The warmer weather encourages everyone to get outside and enjoy the sun on their face but there is one creature who is waiting in the wings to greet us and our pets…the tick. Few pests inspire the level of paranoia and anxiety as ticks.
When these glands receive a signal from the hypothalamus, they react by releasing hormones. For example, if your brain perceives a threat, your hypothalamus tells your adrenal and pituitary glands to secrete the “stress hormones” adrenaline and cortisol.
Support Your Immune System: The Season is Here! We have weathered some serious concerns about our health and how to protect ourselves from
Breast Implant Illness: Know the Facts The choice to get breast implants is highly personal, and most women don’t make the decision lightly.
When these glands receive a signal from the hypothalamus, they react by releasing hormones. For example, if your brain perceives a threat, your hypothalamus tells your adrenal and pituitary glands to secrete the “stress hormones” adrenaline and cortisol.
The warmer weather encourages everyone to get outside and enjoy the sun on their face but there is one creature who is waiting in the wings to greet us and our pets…the tick. Few pests inspire the level of paranoia and anxiety as ticks.
How to Manage Stress and Anxiety in Uncertain Times The pandemic has brought us six solid months of stress, anxiety, and fear of
Support Your Immune System: The Season is Here! We have weathered some serious concerns about our health and how to protect ourselves from
Breast Implant Illness: Know the Facts The choice to get breast implants is highly personal, and most women don’t make the decision lightly.
When these glands receive a signal from the hypothalamus, they react by releasing hormones. For example, if your brain perceives a threat, your hypothalamus tells your adrenal and pituitary glands to secrete the “stress hormones” adrenaline and cortisol.
The warmer weather encourages everyone to get outside and enjoy the sun on their face but there is one creature who is waiting in the wings to greet us and our pets…the tick. Few pests inspire the level of paranoia and anxiety as ticks.
How to Manage Stress and Anxiety in Uncertain Times The pandemic has brought us six solid months of stress, anxiety, and fear of