
ACUPUNCTURE: Your new patient visit consists of a complete health history and review of your present condition. We will discuss your diet, lifestyle, stress, exercise, sleep, etc. A brief physical examination will be conducted, your pulse taken and your tongue will be examined according to the Chinese Medicine diagnostic system. Then we will determine a treatment strategy that best suits your needs. Recommendations on diet, lifestyle, or therapeutic exercises may also be given. In subsequent visits, less time will be needed. Expect a new patient visit to last approximately 1 hour 30 minutes. Subsequent visits will last approximately 1 hour. These times include the 30 minutes that you will lay on the table with the acupuncture needles inserted.

CUPPING: Cupping may be done in conjunction with any treatment or separately.

CHINESE HERBS: Herbs may be given in conjunction with any treatments in order to help you achieve your optimal level of wellness quicker. Pricing will vary.

AROMATHERAPY: Aromatherapy May be added to any treatment. Oils used will be based on individual need.

New Patient Acupuncture: $185 (Includes intake, exam, and acupuncture session)
Recurring Patient Acupuncture: $85
Electro-Acupuncture: Extra $15

Package of 5 Acupuncture treatments: $403.75 5% OFF!

Package of 10 Acupuncture treatments: $765 10% OFF!

Cupping: $70.

Chinese herbs: Varies

Aromatherapy Add-on: $20